A few years ago after browsing on the Internet for various weather geeklets and scripts, I settled on one created by Thomas Upton written in Python that used Yahoo! weather for displaying current conditions, called weather.py: One of my favorite displays is current weather information. I’m a long-time GeekTool user, which I use to display various pieces of information on my Mac desktop. Version 1.1 incorporating these fixes can be found here. I also implemented a workaround of a Yahoo! weather bug in which the sunset time string drops the leading zero for the minutes in some locations. Update (May 7, 2016): Many thanks to kind reader who asked about the metric option to display temperature in Celsius. Version 2.0 incorporating OAuth1 and switching to JSON for retrieval can be found here. 3, 2019, the and for Yahoo Weather API are retired. Update (March 18, 2019): As of Thursday, Jan.