Show full size picture: With xtelsio CTI client you can control your phone simply by mouse click. Due to the high number of scenarios you can use the console for we just give a couple of practical examples here. You can also use SSH (Secure Shell) if you will be spending significant time in the console. The Integrator Panel Console With the console you communicate directly with the underlying Linux operating system. To use the Console, the Asterisk Manager Interfaces and the Configuration Files you need additional Linux and Asterisk knowledge which we can not teach in detail because it would exceed the scope of this handbook. The Integrator Panel is divided into four sections: Console, Asterisk Manager Interface, Configuration Files and Beta Features.

You get access to the Integrator Panel by pushing escape (esc) in any point in the web interface. In this way you communicate directly with Asterisk and can directly edit its configuration files. The Integrator Panel The Integrator Panel provides additional configuration possibilities which are not available in the web interface.